Feng Shui Fish Aquarium At Home (Why & How to Have One)

Fish aquarium, as per feng shui, is considered an extremely powerful tool and there’s a pretty good reason behind that (more on the reason in a moment), but first, let me ask you a simple question.

How do you feel when you see a beautiful, serene fish aquarium with all the colorful & lively fishes in it?

Here’re your options:

A: Tensed and stressed

B: Relaxed and peaceful

It’s option “B”, Of course!

So that means a fish aquarium can – and in fact does – act as a mind relaxing tool and a peaceful mind is the first thing that you need to have if  you want to live your life with happiness, abundance & prosperity.

Moving on further, as I promised earlier, here’s what feng shui has to say about fish aquarium and why it’s considered a powerful defect remedy – and prosperity enhancing tool.

Fish Aquarium Feng Shui

Why Fish Aquarium is Important – A view from Feng Shui Perspective

A fish aquarium, in feng shui is believed to have the capability to produce huge amount of positive energy. Not only this, a fish tank is also capable of absorbing loads of negative energy as well.

This is the primary reason why, it’s always useful to have a fish tank at home or office.

Furthermore, there’re some really awesome benefits of keeping a fish aquarium at home.

I’ve made a list of some of them below. Have a look at them.

7 AMAZING Benefits of keeping fish aquarium at home

  1. Fish aquarium generates lot of positive energy (and that’s what we want)
  2. The aquariums absorb a lot of negative energy
  3. It’s said that if a fish dies (naturally) then it’s believed to have taken something terrible (that was supposed to come to you) and has sacrificed its life for you.
  4. Healthy, active and playful fishes help attract wealth, health, prosperity & abundance.
  5. Feeding food to hungry fishes is a good karma! Make sure to get the best fish food.
  6. As per researches in medical science, observing fishes in an aquarium helps to calm human mind.
  7. If there’s a problem in some aspect of your life, then placing an aquarium in corresponding area of your home will help relieve that issue; for example, if you’re always short of money, then, keeping an aquarium in SE of living room will surely help (as SE is the money area). More on money & wealth @ Feng Shui to attract money

But, all this, in no way means that keeping a fish aquarium at home or office will inherently bring-in all the goodness.

In fact, there’re feng shui fish aquarium rules that you need to follow while placing or locating one. Also keep in mind that violating these guidelines will – and it often has – caused severe troubles to people.

The whole next section of this article is dedicated for such feng shui guidelines; all you need to do is to read on!

Feng Shui Fish Aquarium – Here’s How to Have a Feng Shui Compliant One!

Alright, so feng shui fish aquarium guidelines (or tips) are the main intent of this section of the article.

In this section, you’ll get actionable stuff. All the tips are in do’s and don’ts format and you can start applying them right away.

So, without any delay, let’s dive right into what’s allowed and what’s forbidden when it comes to fish aquarium feng shui.

Feng Shui Fish Aquarium – What to Follow (15 Tips)

  1. Place the fish tank in living room; it’s the best location. More on living room feng shui @ Feng Shui Living Room Tips.
  2. Keep 9 fishes in aquarium.
  3. Out of 9 fishes, eight should be gold or arrowana fish (aka dragon fish) and 1 should be black fish (may be a black moor).
  4. Placing aquarium in North of living room will attract better career opportunities & progress.
  5. Aquarium in East of living room will help attract better health.
  6. Placing aquarium in SE of living room enhances the wealth area & attracts more money. More on Feng Shui Wealth @ Feng Shui Tips for Wealth
  7. If there’s a poison arrow pointed towards your home (such as corner of a building) then placing an aquarium is a good remedy.
  8. Placing aquarium under a beam will help reduce stress & pressure from the beam.
  9. Make sure that the fishes are attractive & healthy.
  10. Clean the aquarium regularly to maintain hygiene.
  11. Make sure that the aquarium is well aerated. Use a good aquarium air pump.
  12. Make the aquarium attractive. Light it well; use good quality aquarium lights.
  13. Place colorful decorative stones and plants.
  14. Use a wave-maker to make the aquarium even more attractive.
  15. If you happen to live at a place that’s notorious for cold weather then please maintain the temperature of water using a heater.
Here’re the links, if you wish to buy aquarium accessories mentioned above:
Fish Aquarium AccessoriesIndiaUSCanada
Fish FoodBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium Air PumpBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium LightsBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium Decorative StonesBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium Decorative PlantsBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium WavemakerBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Aquarium HeaterBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Here’re some more links to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui ToolsUKGermanySpainFranceItaly
Fish FoodBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium Air PumpBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium LightsBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium Decorative StonesBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium Decorative PlantsBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium WavemakerBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Aquarium HeaterBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy

Feng Shui Fish Aquarium – What to Avoid (6 Tips)

  1. Aquarium inside kitchen is a strict no (may lead to food related diseases)
  2. No aquarium in bedroom too! (often leads to sleep related disorders)
  3. Never place an aquarium at the center of the house.
  4. No filthy aquarium.
  5. No broken parts in aquarium.
  6. Not everyone that comes to your home should start feeding the fishes.

Also, I believe that you’ll – certainly – head over to the nearest – and best possible – place to get a nice, attractive & beautiful fish aquarium for yourself.

By the way, below are some very good online vendors you can get fish aquariums from. Be sure to check them!

Some nice Fish Aquariums are available @ below links

Also, if you wish to educate yourself on everything related to fish aquarium then here’re some pretty good books on the topic which you can buy online.

Buy Good Fish Aquarium Books via below links

Well, that’s all there is to when it comes to fish aquarium feng shui. I believe that you’re now in a better position to understand – and at the same time appreciate – the power (of course, positive) that a fish aquarium does have.

Related – and MUST READ – Articles:

  1. Here’s how to Feng Shui your house (Complete Guide)
  2. Living Room Feng Shui

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