Colors are – undoubtedly – very essential part of everybody’s life. Colors are everywhere; right from the most picturesque places around the world to the screen in front of you. But there’s something more about colors rather than just shades or tones; colors represent the five basic elements that the whole world is made up of namely fire, earth, metal, water and wood. This capability of colors to represent the five basic elements needs special mentioning and attention and that’s why reading this article about feng shui colors is very important.
I’m pretty sure that you are aware of the fact that there are eight directions in all viz. North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. Furthermore, in feng shui, each direction is represented – or governed – by one of the five elements;
So, the equation stands something like this:
Colors represent elements and elements govern or dominate directions.
What this – indirectly – means is that colors can be used – or managed – to modify the effects of an element in a particular direction and that’s what feng shui colors is all about.
Now understanding feng shui colors is a two-step process.
The first step is to know which element represents which direction and what colors represent which element.
The second and final step is to understand favorable and unfavorable feng shui colors for a particular direction; since there are eight directions, I’ve divided the second step in eight tiny sections, one for each direction.
So without any delay let’s dive right into learning feng shui colors.
Feng Shui Colors – Step #1 – Relation between Elements, Directions & Colors
To make it really easy for you to understand relation between elements, directions and colors, I’ve created two images. Have a real good look at them; this’ll make it easy for you to understand – and even memorize – the relation between directions, elements and colors.
The first image details link between directions, elements and colors; the second image shows relation amongst elements themselves.

Ok, so I believe that you’ve had a real good look at the images above; it’s now time to understand what each of the above images mean. Don’t worry; it’s easy; all you need to do is to read the next section of this article.
Feng Shui Colors Step #2 – What Color for Which Direction and Why?
To understand feng shui colors, we’ll now understand the meaning of images that you’ve seen in previous step.
Let’s begin with the second image.
In second image, there are three types of arrows, the green ones, red ones and the blue ones.
The green arrows represent creative cycle; this means that “Fire” creates “Earth”, “Earth” creates “Metal”, “Metal” creates “Water”, “Water” creates “Wood” and “Wood” creates “Fire”.
The red arrows shows exhaustive or weakening cycle i.e. “Fire” weakens “Wood”, “Wood” weakens “Water”, “Water” weakens “Metal”, “Metal” weakens “Earth” and “Earth” weakens “Fire”.
The blue arrows show destructive cycle, i.e. “Water” destroys “Fire”, “Fire” destroys “Metal”, “Metal” destroys “Wood”, “Wood” destroys “Earth” and “Earth” destroys “Water”.
Now, let’s understand what the first image means (this is where the article is divided in eight sections based on eight directions)
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #1 – The North
From the first image, it’s clear that North direction is the zone of water element and governs luck in career; so if you’re eyeing “that well deserved promotion” or a highly successful career, than North direction of your home must be really strong. Thus north – indirectly – becomes a strong financial zone too.
Sine north is water zone and water element is represented by blue and black colors, hence favorable colors for this side are blue and black.
Again, from the second image, you can see that “Water” is weakened by “Wood”; hence you must make sure not to have wooden colors such as shades or tones of green in this part.
However, if you happen to have a toilet or kitchen in North then you must get rid of bad water energy from this side. That’s the time when you can use wooden colors (since wood weakens water). Simultaneously, use metallic colors (as metal enhances water) such as white, silver or gold to enhance good water energy in this part.
Now, if there’s a bedroom in north, then just don’t paint the bedroom in blue or black; that’s because, a bedroom is meant to give you comfort and romantic pleasure; blue and black colors are too “cool” to get you in the mood for sex.
Also painting a north bedroom blue or black will make you so calm that you won’t feel the need to go to work and become lethargic. You can use some fire element colors such as light red or pink tones, this way “that fire” inside you – towards romance and work – will be intact.
To learn bedroom feng shui, you can read our article @ Feng Shui Bedroom
If there’s a living room in North, you can use blue or black color, but make sure not to overdo it, as too much blue or black may – and in many cases has – lead to depression, tiredness and lethargy.
To learn living room feng shui, read our article @ Feng Shui Living Room
Note: Never ever in any case, paint the roof of any room in blue or black color. You must be cautious about the amount of blue or black color you’re using; in fact see that only 1/9th of your home has blue or black color.
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #2 – The South
South is the zone of fire and governs name and fame aspect of your life. Hence, if you’re in to something that needs a lot of people to know you such as TV or media personality, a political figure etc. then a strong South side will be of tremendous benefit to you.
Any toilet or kitchen in South side drains good fire energy and creates bad fire energy; this may lead to maligning of social reputation, almost no social circle, loneliness and much more to mention.
As a remedy, you can paint South side with earthen or skin tone colors (“Earth” weakens “Fire”, from image #2). Blue or black colors (of water element) can also be used, but that’s too strong remedy to apply as it can completely eliminate fire.
Also to enhance the good fire part of South side, you can use wooden colors such as tones of green (Wood enhances Fire).
Now, if there’s a living room in South, then make sure not to paint the entire living room in red as that’ll cause the fire energy to double up; too much fire energy can lead to temperament issues, heated arguments, rage, impatience etc. You can use mild red tones here and there in a south living room.
Again, make sure that only 1/9th of your home has red color. Never ever paint the entire house in red color.
Feng Shui Colors – Direction # 3 – The East
East is the direction of wood element and governs family and health side of your life. This means that East side of a home rules the medical condition of your health and mental condition of your mind. Hence all those who believe in “health is wealth” (which is almost everyone) make sure that the East portion of your home is strong.
Again, a toilet or kitchen in East means that there’s a considerable amount of bad wood energy and this can really make you suffer – not only medically, but also mentally. As a remedy, you can use fire element’s color (as fire weakens wood) such as shades of red, orange tones etc. Metallic colors can also be used, but that remedy would be too strong. Also, you can use green color on this side.
If there’s a living room in East then you can use green color. A good suggestion is to have a mix of green tones in living room, this way you’ll be able to receive the calming effect of all shades of green color. You can also use water colors like shades of blue or black here (as water creates wood).
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #4 – The South-East
South-East direction is also governed by wood element and rules the wealth aspect of your life. Hence, if you want to accumulate huge amounts of wealth and fortune, then strengthen South-East of your home.
If you have toilets or kitchen in South-East then you can apply all the remedies mentioned in direction #3.
Also, for living room in South-East please refer direction #3.
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #5 – The West
The West part is ruled by metal element and governs creativity and kids (offspring or descendants) luck. Hence, if you’re an artist (or in similar profession) or you want to become a parent then West is what you need to make stronger.
If there’s a toilet or kitchen in West, then you need to get rid of bad metal energy by using blue or black colors (water weakens metal). Also, to enhance good metal energy, you can use earthen colors such as brown, yellow or pink shades.
For a living room in West, you can use a mix of metal colors such as grey, white, silver, gold etc. Just make sure not to use too much of grey as it’s very boring and has a bit of lifelessness feeling attached to it. You can definitely add colorful paintings, wallpapers, cushion covers etc. they’ll really look nice.
You can also use earthen colors for walls.
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #6 – The North-West
Metal rules North-West too; and North-West governs travel and helpful people trait of your life. So, if you’re the one who wants to travel the world for business or pleasure, then pay special attention to North-West part of your home. Also, you’ll get tons and tons of helpful people in your life if North-West is strong.
For toilets, kitchen and living room in North-West, please read Direction #5.
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #7 – The North-East
The North-East part is ruled by earth element and brings luck in education. It improvises clarity of thoughts and aids in taking better decisions. All in all, this part of is of prime importance to students and even to businessmen.
A toilet of kitchen in North-East drains all good earth energy and enhances bad one. That seriously impacts education and decision making ability of yours. As a remedy, use metallic colors such as white, gold or silver. Wooden colors would also do but that remedy will be too strong.
If there’s a living room in North-East then use earthen colors such as shades of brown, yellow, pink or skin color tones. A good idea is to use more of yellow as it’s more cheerful and full of happiness; it’s bright, sunny and really warm. Furthermore, yellow color brings hopefulness, optimism and improves concentration too!
Feng Shui Colors – Direction #8 – The South-West
The South-West direction is also ruled by earth element and governs romance luck and sexual pleasures in your life. Hence, if you’re on a hunt for “the perfect match”, then make sure to keep the South-West of your home strong.
For toilet, kitchen or living room in South-West, please refer direction #7.
With this, we come to the end of this article. I know that it was a bit long, but that’s the way it has to be with all the explanation and other helpful stuff.
I – sincerely – hope that you’ve really found this article helpful; I hope that you – now – understand feng shui colors, their meaning and how to apply them.
If you liked the above information on feng shui colors, then please share it with everyone you know.