Money Frog Feng Shui: The Correct Placement & Much More!

In Feng Shui, Money Frog or Chinese Money Frog is a powerful tool to attract abundance and prosperity. There’re hosts of other names given to the Money Frog.

Here’re some commonly used ones:

  1. Wealth frog
  2. Money toad
  3. Lucky money frog
  4. Fortune frog
  5. Three legged prosperity toad and many more to mention

Its Chinese name is “Chan Chu”. It’s also believed that the money frog appears, every full moon, near houses that are about to receive auspicious news about wealth or money gain.

It’s often portrayed as a 3 legged toad, with a coin in its mouth. It feels as if the toad is ready to jump into the house bringing in all the money.

More Feng Shui Wealth & Money Attraction Tips @ Feng Shui For Money & Wealth

The Money Frog symbolizes or represents wealth and money in materialistic form. That’s the reason why, placing Money Frog is beneficial for everyone; be it a business owner or a person doing job.Money Frog or Wealth Toad Feng Shui

But, Feng Shui is all about correct placement and orientation of tools so that we attract the best of positive energies towards us. This is why there’re feng shui rules, tips & guidelines for placing money frogs.

These rules will ensure that the toad helps you to attract money and not flush away every penny that you’ve got. Yes! The 3 legged wealth toad has the capability to flush everything – in terms of wealth and money – away from you. And that’s – certainly – no one would like to happen to them or their family.

This is the reason – and a very important one – to place the wealth or money toad as per feng shui rules.

The next section of this article is dedicated to money toad placement feng shui rules and tips. All you need to do is to read on!

Money Frog Placement – What Feng Shui Says About It!

As with everything else in feng shui, the placement – or in better words correct placement – of money toad is crucial.

So without any further ado, let’s start learning what to do and what to avoid while placing money frogs.

Money Frog Placement – What to Do (6 Tips)

  1. Place the money frog near the entrance.
  2. It should face inside.
  3. Placing it in SE (the wealth area) of living room is good for business men.
  4. For enhancements in career, place it in North (the career zone) of living room.
  5. Place it on a table such as coffee table or something.
  6. You can place it near your table in your office.

Money Frog Placement – What to Avoid (6 Tips)

  1. It should never face outwards (if you’re having just 1 toad)
  2. No money frog allowed in bedroom, kitchen, bathroom & toilet.
  3. Never keep it on the ground or floor.
  4. Don’t place the toad opposite to the main door or entrance.
  5. No broken toads.
  6. No clutter nearby.

Having said all that, there’s one more thing you need to do before placing lucky wealth frog. And that is to “activate” the wealth toad or money frog to start attracting money & wealth towards you.

Activating 3-legged wealth toad is covered in next section of this article, so just read on!

Activating 3 Legged Money Toad

Activating a 3 legged wealth toad is really simple but it’s very crucial. If you just keep the money frog without activating it, then it’s probably not going to attract any money & wealth towards you.

Now, irrespective of the type of toad you’ve bought – or will buy – here’s how you should activate the money toad.

Step 1: Tie a red ribbon around it; and it’s activated.

Step 2: If red ribbon isn’t your thing then you can place the toad on a red paper.

Step 3: If the toad you’ve bought has a red ribbon tied then it’s already activated and you need not activate it again.

Now, that you know how to activate a money toad, you need to – and should – read the next section of the article to know the significance of coin (the toad has in its mouth) & how it should be oriented.

3 Legged Money Frog with Coin in Its Mouth

Most – almost all – 3 legged toads that you’ll see in the market will have a coin in their mouth. If there’s none then you need to buy a separate coin from the vendor.

You know, the coin in the mouth of the toad is really important. It symbolizes the money or monetary benefits that the toad bringing in with it.

Depending upon then manufacturer, you’d usually get 2 types of coins.

  1. With Ruby (symbolic) at center of coin
  2. With Chinese Symbols and Writings.

If you get the Ruby one, then make sure that the Ruby side is pointing upwards (and never downwards) once you place the coin in frog’s mouth.

If you get a coin with Chinese writings on one side and symbols (usually 4) on the other, then make sure that the Chinese symbol side is facing upwards once the coin is placed in toad’s mouth.

How Many Money Frogs to Keep?

Well as simple answer to that question is 9; one each in every direction within the living room or garden of your home.

The 9 wealth frogs will represent money flowing from all the directions towards you. Make sure to place them discreetly. Also, they all must face in different directions of the compass. Furthermore, the one that’s near the entrance should face inwards (towards the home) as it symbolizes huge wealth and money coming in.

If you’re unable to keep 9 money toads, then six or three toads is also auspicious.

However, a single 3”X3” wealth toad should suffice for a home or small office.

Where to Buy Money Toads From?

Below are some online shops you can buy 3 legged money frogs from:

Amazon US

Amazon India

Amazon Canada

Amazon UK

Amazon Germany (DE)

Amazon Spain (ES)

Amazon France (FR)

Amazon Italy (IT)

Well, that’s all there is to when it comes to Money Frog Feng Shui.

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